đź“… December 18 - December 24: Winding down

I had a busy week finishing the teaching hours for the three institutions I work for. That took up a lot of time during the week and didn’t leave me much time for anything else.

I did participate in an early-stage meeting with a group of people around the Caribbean, but I can’t talk about that here now.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the strategy I would like to implement to develop my thoughts, work and ideas over the coming year. I’m not into resolutions, and I don’t think they are particularly useful, but a couple of structured thoughts can help develop a pathway to something different.

I’m thinking of changing the name of the company I have built, or at least the name under which I offer my services. I’d like to represent the work I do a little more clearly in that name. I’ve registered a domain, and I’m slowly moving to a consolidation of sites and tools to bring this all together into one coherent representation. That’s work for early 2024.

For now, it’s family dinners and a little rest.


I haven’t done a lot of reading this week, being mostly busy and too tired in the evening to concentrate. I’ve read a little, but not a lot.

I’ve added a couple of books to the reading list, too. Hopefully, I’ll get around to reading those one day.

Of note

The “Substack promotes Nazis” debacle continued, and a lot more pressure has built up over the last week or so. There has been an exodus of writers, and the ones left are accused of sympathising with that ideology.

I think that is a little harsh, but I do fall on the side of the debate that says that the correct number of Nazis one should have on a platform is zero or as close to zero as is feasible. I’m not going to go over the debate here; suffice it to say that Karl Popper’s Paradox should explain it sufficiently for you to understand.

Have a great week.

Matthew Cowen @matthewcowen