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Old posts

: 📅 July 15 - July 21 | Big Tech. Big Influence. Big Responsibility. It would be an understatement to say that last week was a quiet news week. I’m not going to get …

: 📅 July 08 - July 14 | Just checking in I just completed two full weeks of working with my new employer. I have a great deal of flexibility …

: 📅 July 01 - July 07 | Internet Governance, challenges, and my role in it I had a very full week this week for a couple of reasons: One, I was asked to take part in a jury to …

: 📅 June 24 - June 30 | Tech's Impact: Time for a change I’m a little late with this blog for a couple of reasons, one being a massive hurricane passing …

: 📅 June 17 - June 23 | End of term, big bad internet, and Ballet The end of the school year is always a busy time, finishing off the last of the lessons, fielding …

: 📅 June 10 - June 16 | Watch out for cybersecurity issues at the Olympic Games I’d mentioned previously that I had been travelling, specifically I was in Spain for 10 days or so. …

: 📅 June 03 - June 09 | Real “Digital Transformation” and what it looks like Another week done with a flurry of activity more towards the end of the week than in the middle. …

: 📅 May 27 - June 02 | Getting back on track It has been quiet around here for a while as I was travelling for a few days in Europe. Then, as …

: ARIN Community Grant As you know, I’ve been taking Internet Governance very seriously for a few years now and have …

: 📅 April 29 - May 05 | The Internet is dead, long live the Internet As I noted last week, I’ll link to articles through footnotes rather than inline https links to make …

: 📅 April 22 - April 28 | I, for one, will not let it happen I had a very busy week with a lot of things coming to a head art the same time. Teaching, training, …

: 🗞️ Why I’m making Internet Governance central to my work, and why you should too. If you’ve been following along with what I get up to over the last couple of years, you will have …

: 📅 April 15 - April 21 | Routines and reading When you have a decent routine it shows. When that routine is broken, for whatever reason, if you’re …

: 🎙️ Podcast: Appearance on Innovation, Agilité et Excellence You can find the podcast and other links here: …

: 📅 April 08 - April 14 | Catching up The week was, again, one of those weeks that was stop-and-start. My guests were still on the island, …

: 📅 April 01 - April 07 | Volcanoes and other explosive news The week has really broken my routines but for a good reason. As I mentioned in the last update, I …

: 🔬 Update: We were not selected This week, we received official notification that our proposal was not successful. There were over …

: 📅 March 24 - March 31 | Holidays No week note this week. I’m taking a well-earned rest and enjoying the beautiful island that I live …

: 📅 March 18 - March 24 | Coffee, reading and Internet Governance It was another one of those weeks that seemed to come and pass without much particularly standing …

: 📅 March 11 - March 17 | Internet, coffee and AI data governance I have a particular difficulty writing this part of the blog as I don’t seem to recall any details …

: 📅 March 04 - March 10 | Projects and craptocurrencies 🤦‍♂️ I had one of those in-between weeks. I would probably be better describing it as a transition week. …

: 🗞️ EU Regulation, monetisation and GenAI (again) Source: Pixabay I like the philosophy stating that writing is thinking and that to write clearly, …

: 📅 February 19 - February 25 | Weekly update With Carnaval over, it was back to some serious work. I had a fairly eclectic week with some …

: 📅 February 12 - February 18 | Blog update Carnaval, productivity and AI 🥴 Source: Where I live, …

: 📅 February 05 - February 11 | Weekly blog update A new contract My week was a little more stressful than I would have liked or anticipated. I teach …

: 📅 January 29 - February 04 | Weekly update I got a bonus day… because I forgot something I had a full week and week that brought some surprises …

: 🗞️ January 2024 - An Open Internet and Thoughts on Generative AI This is my first newsletter of 2024, and it’s a long one. I look forward to writing more during the …

: 🔬 Thoughts behind the research question I wanted to expand upon our thoughts on the research question for our proposal at the Stanford …

: 📅 January 22 - January 28 | Why did we build this surveillance machine? Internet governance training and being spied on by Meta I started a new training course from the …

: 🔬 Online safety research in the Caribbean - The process Following on from the announcement we made relating to the research proposal, the next bit of news …

: If you’re interested, last month, I presented a case study on CBDCs in the Caribbean for an …

: 🔬 Online safety research in the Caribbean I’m pleased to announce that I have been working with Michele Marius on a call for proposals from …

: 📅 January 15 - January 21 | Deadlines and an LP12 Deadline approaching I had another week of lots of things running simultaneously. I spent several …

: 📅 The ARIN Fellowship - Why This Fellowship Is for Everyone After umming and ahhing for a couple of years this summer, I decided to apply for the ARIN …

: What a wonderful and fun design the new Rabbit RI AI Assistant is. But I just can’t shake the …

: 📅 January 07 - January 14 | Proposal Writing and Presentations January updates I don’t know about you, but I feel like the first two weeks of 2024 have rolled off …

: 📅 What Dunbar's Number Gets RIght We can argue whether it is fifty, one hundred and fifty or a thousand. But we can’t argue that …

: As an independent consultant, I can choose how I spend my time. This morning, I presented on the …

: 📅 January 01 - January 07 | New Year's Note Kicking off the new year with a new site and a renewed profile The first week after the new year is …

: Thanks @manton for the eBook format. Not sure if it is my download, but on page 98 (for me), …

: 📅 December 25 - December 31: Taking a break and end of year thoughts 2023 came to a close, and I’m pretty glad to see the back of it I’m pretty happy that the year …

: 📅 December 18 - December 24: Winding down I had a busy week finishing the teaching hours for the three institutions I work for. That took up a …

: 🗞️ The future of The Future is Digital Tolerating intolerance is not a good strategyWhen I started this newsletter, I deliberately chose a …

: 📅 December 11 - December 17: Starting to wind up the year Like most weeks, I had a bit of teaching to do on various subjects. I teach a little AI, some pure …

: 📅 December 04 - December 10: BTBS (Big Tech BullShit) My week was pretty busy with a few projects and a lot of teaching. I teach at a couple of local …

: 📅 November 27 - December 03: A mixed and busy week despite not advancing much Where did the week go? I had a few days to work on several projects but didn’t advance too well. I …

: 📅 November 20 - November 26: Flowing thoughts I’m sitting here on a Sunday evening, looking at the options for consolidation of some of my …

: 📅 November 13 - November 19: Teaching new students I had another busy week, starting a new class and teaching Microsoft technologies to a new group. I …

: 📅 November 07 - November 13: Zombie HomePod troubles and a busy week I had another very busy week in the end. It wasn’t planned that way, but it ended up being so. I had …

: 📅 October 31 - November 06: The best-laid plans… actually worked out :) If you follow along here, you’ll have noticed that I didn’t write anything last week. I didn’t …

: October 17 - October 23: Travel, Conference and a Hurricane thrown in! Well, that was an interesting week! A while back, I applied for a fellowship program with ARIN, the …

: October 10 - October 16: WTF SBF? I’m a little late with this as I’ve been travelling all weekend. Flight delays are always fun, but …

: October 03 - October 09: Nearly the end of the season My ARIN fellowship program is progressing well and I’m getting deeper into some of the topics on the …

: September 25 - October 01: Lots of moving parts I had a busy week with many moving parts that required a little patience and organisation. As …

: September 18 - September 24: Activity picking up August and September are an odd time as there is a big lull in activity, particularly economic …

: September 11 - September 17: Back to normal (ish) It’s been more of a getting-back-to-my-routine type of week. I had a lot of outstanding work that I …

: August 06 - September 10: With no notes here, you can probably guess that I have not been around for a while. I took an …

: Meta May Allow Instagram and Facebook Users in Europe to Pay to Avoid Ads Via The New York Times: The subscription plan is a response to European Union policies and court …

: July 31 - August 6: Transitions I called this post transitions because I had a week that will hopefully set me up for a transition …

: Facebook/Meta and highly personalised ads in the EU Highly personalised ads imply highly personalised data about you. Despite what Facebook/Meta and the …

: July 24 - July 30: Research, writing and a couple of opportunities I spent most of the week organising things for my business and continued with the last bits of …

: July 19 - July 23: A rollercoaster week. Again. A bit of an up-and-down week, to be honest. I’ve been doing a lot of organising and thinking about …

: July 03 - July 16: A break. Off the rails, and some hope Despite writing a well-received article on cybersecurity and feeling that I had finally cracked it …

: June 26 - July 02: Newsletter done I finally got around to finishing off the newsletter in between training sessions and the odd site …

: 🗞️ Cybersecurity in the Caribbean A brief look at the state of affairs and a few recommendationsSorry for the hiatus. I *really* …

: June 12 - June 25: Tumultuous I didn’t get around to documenting and writing what happened the week before last. And to be fair, …

: June 05 - June 11: The week someone lied to me I won’t dwell on it, but it will remain in my consciousness and influence how I deal with that …

: May 29 - June 04: Last week Much like last week, the week started on a bank holiday. I know there are a lot of them in May in …

: May 22 - May 28: The week that was I’m trying to kickstart this mini-project to help me document and reflect on my life. So apologies …

: The more social, social network There’s a number which is called Dunbar’s Number. It’s around 150 or so. It’s a significant number …

: The Dark Risk of Large Language Models From Wired: Unless you’ve been hiding, in a coma, or purposefully ignoring Social Media, you will …

: 🗞️ Smoke & Mirrors and Innovation to Extinction Writing a paper for an International journal resulted in a better understanding and stopped me in my …

: 🗞️ Would you like to know more about the digital ecosystem in the Caribbean? Take a peek here...Rather than whine about how I’ve been busy and haven’t had the time or resources …

: 🗞️ How to tame Twitter Despite its best efforts to make you hate it.In a departure from some of the writing I’ve done here, …

: Web3 Part 2: Digital Money and web 3 follow up I recently appeared on a podcast with my friend and tutor for my Master’s, Jean-François Nantel, …

: Web 3.0 or Web 1.0 in sheep’s clothing? (Photo by Rahul Pugazhendi on Unsplash)After my recent hiatus from writing, I’m feeling good about …

: The Future is Digital is here to stay I have been on a hiatus for the last few months for several reasons. Most notably, I caught the …

: Computational In this essay, I explore the meaning and consequences of Computational Computing. It’s a deep …

: Thoughts on Clubhouse. Innovative Disruption in the Caribbean  I got on Clubhouse so you don't have toI recently got an invitation to Clubhouse from a friend. …

: A missed opportunity for Apple and Apple Music 🤷‍♂️ Despite being criticised, and rightly so for some products, much hi-fi equipment is far from being …

: Market Trends 2021 and beyond Good day from Martinique. I’ve been on a hiatus for a few weeks as I wind down a multi-month project …

: The origins of Rosetta(2) probably lie in a little-known technology from 1996 called FX!32 Unless you’re a hermit or not in any way linked to the tech industry, you’ll be aware that Apple has …

: Virtual or Physical Civil War? In my timeline of doom and gloom, I put forward my theory that the recent divisions in societies …

: The state of Digital Transformation in 2020 and some follow-up on the disruption of Intel My apologies for the long lapse between writing essays. If I’m honest, the world has been just too …

: Software is indeed, eating the world When Marc Andreessen famously wrote that software is eating the world, it was seen as both a love …

: Time for all Internet comments to be switched off? This article from John Dario resonates with me when I read it this morning. It's not that comments …

: Election Day USA Never have I had any misgivings about the authenticity and verity of an election. For more than …

: 2020 Tropical Cyclone Season. Nearly over, but not quite. A truly breathtaking season that thankfully resulted in few storms directly hitting us here in the …

: Digital Commerce. Blockchain (again) If you listened to the podcast version, you’d note I added some music. I broke out my skills in …

: Nvidia, AI and the Big Picture There are currently many moving parts to the tech industry, and as tech becomes more and more …

: The tale of Intel’s disruption and Blockchain is useless It’s good to be back. I decided to take a summer holiday, of sorts, retiring myself from the …

: After the first real TW, comes the first real TS Genuinely a worrying image to see when you live in the Caribbean. For the best sources to follow and …

: The digital Caribbean and the digital reality Today’s essay is a slightly longer one, it’ll take a couple more minutes to read than is custom for …

: The first (real) Tropical Wave of the season As many of you will know, I live in the Caribbean. And apart from its idyllic setting sometimes, we …

: These companies constantly prostitute the notion of the First Amendment From Fast Company’s interview with Scott Galloway: Fast Company: What do you think about Mark …

: My timeline of doom and gloom. Here’s hoping I’m wrong! I wrote in one of my recent newsletters that I had started to form a bigger picture of the events …

: Digicel’s demise (not) and the data-only reality Hello from a severe Saharan-dust-cloud-covered-Caribbean. A once-in-a-50-year event according to The …

: Can digital conferences work? I look into the conference bundle and how the digital twins stack upI’ve had a tough time being …

: A few thoughts I don’t know about you, but it has been a particularly difficult couple of months to think clearly …

: Knee-jerk DT & Digital conferencing (Narrated) This is the belated narrated version. I also fixed a few typos on the original article. Evening all. …

: Knee-jerk DT & Digital conferencing It’s a start, but there’s plenty more to be doneEvening all. Today I’ll dive a little into the …

: 🎙Podcast announcement🎙 I promised to let you knowAs promised here’s the link and show notes for the podcast, with the …

: Explaining the process of digitalisation (Narrated) In this issue, I thought I’d offer a quick look into the role of a Digital Transformation consultant …

: Explaining the process of digitalisation A look into the day-to-day role of a DT consultantIn this issue, I thought I’d offer a quick look …

: Wish list for a new Magic Keyboard Just to be precise, I’m talking about the separately sold Bluetooth Magic Keyboard that comes …

: More on Studio Neat’s Canopy I wrote about my love for the Studio Neat Canopy here. Literally, the only thing it lacks compared …

: GatesNotes : The first modern pandemic A thoughtful and interesting must-read, worth all of the twenty or so minutes it’ll take you to read …

: "A Change Is Gonna Come" (Narrated) Normalcy after COVID, Productivity in a COVID world and a quick take on Apple’s new toy. I’m not …

: "A Change Is Gonna Come" Normalcy after COVID, Productivity in a COVID world and a quick take on Apple’s new toyI’m not sure …

: How can you kickstart your transformation post-COVID-19? (RFI) A request for interestGood morning. I'm putting together a presentation about how you can kickstart …

: Trying not to talk about COVID-19 Zoom follow-up, Hacks and Scams in the age of COVID-19, the death of cash and a history lesson in …

: Pandemics, Liberty and Digital Transformation China, Taiwan and your favourite video chat appsOne of the things that us in the western hemisphere …

: The New Reality Caribbean Businesses need to adapt quickly and permanently I didn’t once mention Covid-19 … damn it… …

: Do you think the way we work has changed forever? Covid-19 has forced us to reevaluate how we work. Confinement, social distancing and working from …

: The Great Lockdown There is only one topic at the moment, its effects are so wide-reaching that discussion about almost …

: The Great Lockdown Winners and losers, the mother of invention and virtual social distancingThere is only one topic at …

: Defining Productivity and Collaboration Good morning. I was trying to get up and running with the narrated version of this newsletter, and …

: Defining Productivity and Collaboration The opportunity that COVID-19 providesGood morning. I was trying to get up and running with the …

: Introducing The Future is Digital Narrated One of the most requested things, when I started this newsletter, was an audio version, for those …

: Introducing The Future is Digital Narrated Newsletters as a Podcast = More ChoiceOne of the most requested things, when I started this …

: Microsoft Ignite The Tour London 2020 A Show ReportA slightly different tack to the issue today. A quick report back on the Microsoft …

: Using the France-Antilles failure as a lens to examine what should have been done The failed newspaper in the FWI made several strategy mistakes, but what could they have done?After …

: Disruption Theory. Is Wizzee a disruptor? Explaining Disruptive Innovation and asking the question about its relevance in our markets.I had a …

: The iPad turns 10 and the father of Disruption Theory passes away A personal journey with a truly disruptive product and personThe iPad has turned 10 years old; …

: Facebook’s data collection, France-Antilles revisit and Digital Media makes money, at last!  Back from a tiring transatlantic trip, I delve in to how Facebook collects data, an update in the …

: Collaborative Platforms, the new hotness Where did they start out and how do they work?I wanted to get this out earlier in the week, but I’ve …

: Interview with Nicolas Augustin, DevOxyz Digital Transformation in training, decision-making and modelling, using 3D, AR and VRLet me first …

: The Future is Digital Newsletter 2019 Review A digital newsletter requires a digital review!It’s nearly the end of 2019 and the end of a decade. …

: Digital tools They’re not always for good. It's more complicated than that.Reports of my demise (writing for this …

: Updated: Why the new 16” MacBook Pro is a testament to Jobs-to-be-Done Theory I've updated the website. Let me know if you want me to resend an updated emailFor nearly two hours …

: Why the new 16” MacBook Pro is a testament to Jobs-to-be-Done Theory Apple’s correction course — undoing poor design decisions and ignoring theorySign up now I’m a …

: The economics of free vs paid for I’m a little late with publishing my posts to be strictly adhering to the challenge. Still, as its a …

: Autonomous Driving on the highway is coming sooner than you think We're not going to get to Level 5 autonomy anytime soon for a whole host of reasons. That's why it's …

: Anyone for a Conference hosted on Fortnite? A long, but informative article, on redef from Matthew Ball. Really worth the read. I was thinking …

: To see what will happen with self-driving cars … … Just look at what it happening in the world of photography. Digital camera sales have fallen off …

: Digital Transformation 🤬 A rant about the semantics and meaningA little different today, but bear with me as I climb on to my …

: Services, Sovereignty and de-Risking Exposure Orange, Canal+ and Netflix going toe to toeSometimes these newsletters virtually write themselves. …

: The Virtual Island Summit WeWork’s gaff and the opportunity for LinkedInJust released: I was a honoured to be a guest on Kadia …

: Podcast appearance Had a great time recording this. I hope to do it again soon. You should check out the work Kadia is …

: The BBC killed the paragraph Is it just me? Am I alone? The only one that thinks that the way the BBC writes it's articles is …

: Buses, Data Collection and the Value of Data Libra ite domumI recently attended the OECS’s Virtual Island Summit. I’m currently ploughing my way …

: Vehicle Autonomy Why we’re unlikely to see it in the Caribbean anytime soonI’ve had a bit of eye strain recently, and …

: Digitally-native Companies and Digital Transformation What is a Digital-Native Company and Netflix & Canal+ Follow-upIn a rare and record-breaking event, …

: Canal+ and Netflix sitting in a tree… For now at least.Calm, hot, humid days here in the Caribbean. The air seems to have been sucked-out …

: The real-world consequences of not transforming Disruption Theory is not just theoryThe Atlantic Hurricane Season is in full swing, with the African …

: Book recommendation I really do think you should take the time to read this book. Talking to Strangers I get to the …

: Follow up: France-Antilles  Climate Change and Digital TransformationGood afternoon, I was about to continue the series on the …

: Photography, Disruption Theory and Digitalisation Don’t bet against the SmartphoneYou may have noticed that a couple of things have changed since I …

: U SHOOT VIDEOS? A wonderful short film worth watching on a big screen. U SHOOT VIDEOS? A Film by Morgan Cooper

: Feeling better by effort I can’t quite put my finger on when exactly I decided to do it, but after more than a month I feel a …

: CSat, NPS and other market research tools Part 10 - Customers 2.0, continuedA busy week for me this week. I have some thoughts about the Apple …

: The Digital Transformation Operating Systems Why Dropbox, Teams and Slack are all coming to the same conclusionI’ve been wanting to write about …

: Sunday Mornings Sunday mornings is my time. I wake up early, usually around 5am, so that I can have a coffee and …

: Missed opportunity On the horizon this morning, a beautiful scene of rising Cumulus clouds being lit by the warm …

: (Un)LinkedIn LinkedIn is a great resource for professional use. Links to colleagues (if you’re working in an …

: Bermuda, Binance and Blockchain Where’s the rest of the Caribbean? Follow-Up to France-AntillesWe’re heading into peak hurricane …

: West Indian September Sunset One of the most beautiful periods in the year, September, gives us stunning sunsets almost daily, …

: Dorian The scenes coming out of the Bahamas are just heartbreaking. I fear we haven’t seen the worst yet. …

: A love letter to RSS You may be wondering what RSS is, however, if you listen to podcasts regularly then you’re using it …

: The slow demise of France-Antilles and Newspapers in the Caribbean What happens when atoms are turned into bits?Hurricane Dorian is looking increasingly dangerous and …

: Follow-up to Part 9, Customers 2.0 Digital Transformation and natural disastersCustomers 2.0 and the importance of word of mouth In …

: Part 9 - A 5 stage process for Digital Transformation Customers 2.0, Networked, Connected and InteractiveI’m back after a short and very unconnected …

: The Housekeeping Issue Digitally transforming digital organisations | Autonomous vehicles and the CaribbeanTo start, some …

: Issue 26: Part 8 - A 5 stage process for Digital Transformation Democratising and demystifying how to do it: Value Proposition DesignIf this email was forwarded to …

: Issue 25 ½: An apology ...  … and a bonus, yay 😄If this email was forwarded to you, I’d love to see you onboard. You can sign up …

: Issue 25: Interview with Greggar Deterville, RIDE Caribbean Digital Transformation in action in the CaribbeanHello everyone. Hope you enjoy this, slightly …

: Issue 24: Part 7 - A 5 stage process for Digital Transformation Democratising and demystifying the processIf this email was forwarded to you, I’d love to see you …

: Issue 23: Intel’s Pohoiki Beach and Disruption Theory Why this looks like a case of disruption playing out in front of usBack to some news and analysis …

: Issue 22: Part 6 - A 5-Stage process for Digital Transformation Democratising and demystifying the processIf this email was forwarded to you, I’d love to see you …

: Issue 21: Public Transportation in the Caribbean An opportunity for digital platforms?Good day to all, wherever you are. As you may be aware, I was a …

: Issue 20: Digital Transformation is dead ... Long live Digital Transformation?Good morning from Martinique Sometimes these newsletters …

: Issue 19 : Blockchain ≠ Cryptocurrency It does have uses in Digital Transformation thoughWith the announcement of Facebook’s proposal for a …

: A short break... My apologies, in the last issue I omitted to tell you that this week I will be taking a short break …

: Issue 18 : A step-by-step example of extracting value from unstructured data Using some basic statistical analysis, you can extract value fairly simplyBienvenue/Welcome to all …

: Issue 17 : The Security and Privacy Wars in the Digital Age It’s all about softwareAfter a couple of practical issues, I thought I’d get back to analysis and …

: Issue 16 : Part 5 - Practical steps towards your Digital Transformation journey Data collection and turning that data into an assetGood day, all. This issue is a continuation from …

: Issue 15 : Part 4 - Practical steps towards your Digital Transformation journey Data, data, dataGood day everyone. As promised, back to a practical issue, this time less generalist …

: Issue 14 : Follow-up, Management in the Digital Age And Digicel's missed opportunity for Digital TransformationGood day everyone. Today’s Issue is a …

: Podcast : I appeared on the ICT Pulse Podcast Have a list to Michele's excellent podcast, where we talk about ride-hailing and its potential as a …

: Issue 13 : Part 3 - Practical steps towards your Digital Transformation journey Continuing with an external analysisGood day everyone, I hope you’re all doing well and had a great …

: Issue 12 : Management in the Digital Age ... and its obesity problemHello everyone. Back on track today after an eventful few weeks. I’m …

: Announcement Comments and feedbackHi all, I’ve received some feedback from subscribers requesting a way to …

: Issue 11 : Part 2 - Practical steps towards your Digital Transformation journey Continuing the analysisGood day. I’ll get straight in to this week’s topic, with the idea being that …

: Issue 10 : Part 1 - Practical steps towards your Digital Transformation Let’s start with the basicsGood Morning everyone. A big welcome to all the new subscribers, it’s a …

: Issue 9 : A quick update And a request for feedbackGood morning. This will be a short issue as I am currently on …

: Issue 8 : A look at digital in the Caribbean Stats and stats (... at least I'm honest)Good morning and welcome to another issue of the …

: Issue 7 : The Innovator’s Dilemma  Why it’s so fundamental to Digital TransformationGood morning, from the eastern Caribbean, its …

: Issue 6 : Digital Transformation and reducing paper A lesson in explaining why you have to consider the whole chain and not just the part you …

: Issue 5 : Why Digital Transformation is different from standard IT It’s a journey, not a projectI hope you all had a good Carnival in your region. I know that here in …

: Issue 4 : The Digital Transformation model in detail Understanding its components Good morning, I hope you had an excellent week. I was listening to a …

: Issue 3 : The Digitalisation of Business How digital technologies found their place in the enterpriseGood Morning to all and a particular …

: Issue 2 : What is Digital Transformation? Defining Digital TransformationIn this, the second issue, I dig into the origins of digital …

: Issue 1 : Introduction Welcome to the The Future is Digital newsletter As the title suggests, this newsletter’s focus is …

: Welcome Announcing The Future is Digital NewsletterAs the title suggests, this newsletter’s focus is mainly …