The week has really broken my routines but for a good reason. As I mentioned in the last update, I had decided to take a week off. That week turned out to be as packed as any other week but with activities other than reading papers, writing, thinking or consulting with clients.
In short, I had friends from the UK over, and I took some time to show them around and experience a few things that are not necessarily on the tourist trail… some of them.
We walked (or ran) in a rainforest on Easter Monday in preparation for a family lunch, which, like most big get-togethers, took the entire afternoon up with food, drinks and laughs. We walked up the volcano, and despite the rough weather and almost zero visibility, it was a nice walk. I love being in the forest and in the mountains. There is something really pleasing about being there on your own or with just a couple of people. I took them to see a waterfall that is well known, easy to get to and much fun to be rained on by cold fresh water. We took a sailing boat trip and had a quick swim and a glass of bubbles before heading back to the marina. The photo is from the journey back, sailing with both sails at around 6 knots. Wonderful.
Next week, it’s back to the grind, with a little time off to help out my friends.
The proposal I had put together with Michelle Marius wasn’t accepted, but we’re not done yet and looking at other funding opportunities. I’ll keep you posted. Remember, you can read about the project here.
Of note
The sentencing of Sam Bankman-Fried continues to impact. A letter posted to the court from his parents—as documented in Fortune—paints a less-than-savoury picture of the boy. This story has not ended, and I am sure that much more will come out.
On a note about Fortune, don’t forget how they were one of the “duped”, promoting his bullshit and the crypto “industry” as a whole. They should be ashamed of themselves and start putting more effort into due diligence, just like virtually every organisation that has anything to do with crypto. Some estimates put the industry at having only approximately half of its assets as legal. WTAF? Any other industry that was such a scam would have been closed a long time ago.
The latest scumbag criminal has also just been convicted of billions of dollars of fraud. When is the world going to wake up? Crypto has only a couple of use cases, crime and more crime. The “democratisation” or “banking the unbanked” is all a mirage and a lie to extract even more wealth out of those that can least afford it, making those that can richer and richer. It is obscene and makes me sick to my stomach. Use the morals your parents taught you FFS!
Have a great week.